Rejuvenation of photoaged skin has become extremely popular. However it can be difficult for the consumer to decide what treatment is appropriate for them, (and who is the most qualified practitioner to perform this).
To determine the best treatment you need to prioritise your concerns. For example are you concerned by blemishes and reduced skin gloss, or loss of texture and the development of lines. Skin gloss can be improved with laser and IPL treatments that target the pigment granules in “brown sunspots”, and blood cells in “broken capillaries”. Chemical peels are often overlooked, but these can be an economical way to remove pigmented spots, and to restore a healthy gloss.
Changes in texture and “age lines” need to be evaluated closely to determine their cause. Some lines are caused by muscle activity and are treated with muscle relaxants (Botox, Dysport). Dermal fillers are also used for established lines such as deep frown lines, and lines around the mouth. In recent years the range of fillers has increased. We now have products that can be used to counteract the loss of volume in cheeks which otherwise causes tired, gaunt features. Similarly fillers can be used above the eye to lift the brow without the need for surgical intervention. For further information about these procedures call Sky Blue Dermatology and make an appointment with our cosmetic nurse consultant.
Perhaps the most exciting development in the last five years has been that of fractional laser technology. Fractional lasers divide the laser beam into smaller “microbeams”. These microbeams interact with the skin. The skin outside the zones of interaction is left untouched and provides the scaffold for rapid and complete healing. Not only do patients recover quickly (compared to older “resurfacing” lasers) but more importantly the safety of fractional lasers is far superior. This means a low risk of pigmentation changes and other complications.
At Sky Blue Dermatology we are excited by the results our patients are achieving with the Cynosure fractionated lasers. These devices effectively restore skin gloss and texture. For more information about these and other procedures contact the team at Sky Blue Dermatology.
Left – Pre treatment Right – 6 weeks post treatment (Icon 2940 fractional laser)
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